One of the best parts about my job, has to be the candid office questions and comments I receive via email from folks from all over the country...and world!
One seemingly trivial topic that has come up FIVE times this month has been 'terrible office coffee,' of all things! Now, I am a brown water junkie, a sympathizer, and I want to help. So, let's address this once and for all because life is too short.
Print it, Drink it, Love it.
Here is a fool proof recipe to brew the perfect pot of coffee:
Begin with a quality coffee
(but you don't have to get snooty about it...even Maxwell House and Folgers now offer acceptable choices...however, my favorite is Starbucks Breakfast Blend--it's mild).
One level Tablespoon of coffee per one cup of of cool, clean, filtered water(or, another neat trick, if you always make 8 cups of coffee, use 1/2 measuring cup each time).
Company's spend so much money putting their logos outside the mug, so why not spend a little extra on what goes on the inside? After all, that's what counts and your staff and clients are worth it.
If you would like your logo on the perfect coffee mug (which make GREAT corporate holiday gifts, so order now!), I've always had great experiences with Rene Advertising Specialties, Inc. For more information contact Robyn Shapiro at www.reneadvertising.com
Happy Brewing!