A client recently asked me to help her with a pre-employment screening tool which required candidates to complete a series of essay questions. One question asked her to define her "leadership style." Unable to lead herself to a place from which to start, here are the tips I provided to her which I hope you will find helpful as well:
- Write the names of leaders you admire (former co-workers, bosses, family members, friends, etc.).
- List the leadership qualities about those individuals which you find most impressive.
- Look through the list and circle those qualities you feel you also possess.
This simple exercise provided a nice place to start.
We are naturally drawn to those whom possess qualities we admire and respect, and consciously or not, we begin to emulate those qualities and practice trying them on for size. Some fit, some don't, but ultimately, we make some form of them our own and find our unique style.
Conversely, you could make a list of those whom you least admire and the qualities about them that you least respect, and use this as a starting point. Sometimes the best way to know what we like is to know what we don't!
Selling ourselves isn't always the easiest thing in the world to do, but a must if you want that job or appointment!
Give it a try and let me know how it goes!