Thursday, May 29, 2008

Know Your Worth

John Odom, a minor league baseball player, was traded to another team in exchange for 10 baseball bats.

So, my free little agents, listen up! Knowing & effectively communicating your worth are critical factors to receiving your worth. Not sure what your job should be paying? Visit to learn more.

  1. Earn more education
  2. Meet with your employer to discuss additional projects you have initiated & seen to completion
  3. Do your homework--document your accomplishments and clearly communicate HOW you have increased sales, customer service standards, or anything that would merit a raise
  4. One of the best times to initiate this type of conversation is soon after the employer offers praise for your capabilities
  5. In today's economy, a pay raise may not be a possibility. So ask for the gift of time instead. Additional vacation days are a great reward for a job well done.

For the record, I'm not picking on John Odom. Who knows? Perhaps he's worth 9 which case, way to go, man!

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