Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lumberghian Management

A classic scene from Office Space---Manager Lumbergh speaks to Milton, a long-time employee, after relocating his cubicle to the basement of the facility:

Lumbergh: "Milton."

Milton: "Yes?"

Lumbergh: "What's happening?"

Milton: "I wanted to speak to you--"

Lumbergh: "Say, Milton, you know what'd be great?"

Milton: "Wh-- No."

Lumbergh: "Since you're down here, it would be really great if you could just sort of take care of the cockroach problem we've been having in here."

Milton: "No, that's not really my job, and I-- I haven't received my paycheck this week--"

Lumbergh: "So, for now, why don't you get yourself a flashlight and a can of pesticide..."

If you practice "Lumberghian Management" in your office, put down your coffee cup long enough to pick up the phone and call me. Do yourself and your bottom line a favor. Contact me today to learn effective management techniques and communication strategies.

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