Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Que Syrah, Syrah

Sometimes in business, we have unique, completely coincidental opportunities for promotion and sales. This is the case with North Berkeley Imports. I’ve recently stumbled upon the “Palin Syrah,” a very complex, well-defined 100% organic red wine sold exclusively by North Berkeley Imports.

The nomination of Governor Sarah Palin for Vice President has fermented strong feelings on both sides of the proverbial aisle...we can all drink to that! But I'm still left wondering...does the Palin Syrah pair well with moose stew? I'll let you know!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Right to Bear Arms

It's September and those tricky seasonal dress code changes are upon us. I'm thinking about lobbying for a few 'alterations' in the fashion legislature...at least for those of us in the Southern District of the United States!

While sleeveless tops may not be the most professional things in workplace attire, they are certainly very comfortable in steamy climates. This sounds like a job for Laura K at http://www.milehighstyle.blogspot.com/!

One thing's for sure...unless you are starring in an episode of COPS, I probably wouldn't go with this look...

I'm thinkin' a simple light sweater tied around the neck to cover shoulders with a strand of pearls...hmmm, I'm no Laura K, but I might be onto something! Laura, please advise...


Warts and All

In efforts to save face, many organizational leaders downplay (or may honestly not know) some of the negative aspects of their business which are detrimental to success. Without properly addressing the issues, productivity and morale are sure to suffer.

Did you know?
The #1 complaint among U.S. employees is the failure of management (or HR) to appropriately address poor behavior in the workplace?

One of the most successful techniques in my tool bag? The ask. When we ask employees for input, we open ourselves up for anything...which can be a very scary (and potentially destructive) experience. To make the experience positive, meaningful and productive, it's often times a good idea to incorporate a third, neutral party, skilled in conflict resolution.

For more information, visit http://www.donnamariawalker.com/ or call me at 270-210-6645.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Talk Furbish to Me

Furby's speak "Furbish" until they are taught to communicate in English. Beginning a new job and learning the "lingo," or moving to a different geographic location and learning how to communicate can suddenly make you feel like one of these furry little guys.

Communication is only successful when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication.

Some things to keep in mind...
  1. What is your message?

  2. Who is your audience?

  3. How might the message be perceived or misconstrued (this is always a challenge because decisions are being made based solely on speculation)?

  4. What are the circumstances surrounding your communications (such as cultural and situational contexts).
Visit http://www.donnamariawalker.com/ for more information or to schedule a motivational speech on effective communication in your organization!

An Attitude of Latitude

Employee roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined, however, effective leaders recognize the importance of giving individuals (and teams) latitude on their approach to problem solving.

Interested in leadership training?

Email me today!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Ultimate in Organizational Communication

I make my living training organizations how to improve internal and external communications to increase organizational efficacy.

I would be remiss if I let 9/11 go by without paying a humble tribute to the men & women who instinctively exercised many critical factors essential to effective organizational communication.

Response efforts between seemingly unrelated agencies in the face of extreme confusion, fear, physical exhaustion and technological failure(s) was (and is) nothing short of amazing.

God Bless America.