Congress has passed the FY ’08 Omnibus Appropriations Bill and the following projects have been secured for Western Kentucky by Senator McConnell. The list includes (in parentheses) the total amount of funding secured to date for the projects, including FY ’08 figures.
$116 million for the continued environmental cleanup activities at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. ($1.1 billion)
$17.4 million for the continued construction of the DUF6 facility in Paducah. ($201.27 million) The facility will convert 39,000 canisters of depleted uranium hexafluoride into a more stable compound. Construction of the facility is scheduled to be completed this year and operations are slated to begin next year.
Full funding for the mobile health unit that screens current and former workers at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant for the early signs of lung cancer. ($15.5 million) This funding will be used for continued operation of a mobile health unit that screens current and former workers at the plant for the early signs of lung cancer. The mobile health unit travels between the three gaseous diffusion plants in Paducah, Portsmouth, Ohio and Oak Ridge, Tenn.
$4 million for the Paducah Waterfront Development Project. ($9.3 million) This funding will be used to transform the Paducah riverfront into a community gathering place.
$2 million for the Paducah Area Transit System (PATS). ($6.4 million) With these resources, additional vehicles and other equipment can now be purchased to help meet the needs of customers of PATS.
$52 million for the Kentucky Lock addition project. ($251.9 million) This funding will be used to double the lock’s size to handle the increased tonnage of today’s larger barge traffic.
$104 million for the Olmsted Locks and Dam Project. ($521 million) This funding will be used for the continued construction of a new facility that will replace locks 52 and 53 on the Ohio River. Once complete, this facility will be the largest locking facility in Kentucky in terms of tonnage.
$8.1 million for management and operation of the Land Between the Lakes in western Kentucky. ($94.6 million) “I, along with many Kentuckians and visitors to our state, recognize the attraction to the LBL,” said Senator McConnell. “I am pleased to have once again secured funding for the continued operation of this popular tourist spot.”
$500,000 for land acquisition at the Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge. ($13.95 million) “The Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge, which will use the money to expand and improve its land, serves as a safe haven for the bald eagle and peregrine falcon,” said Senator McConnell.
$2 million for the Murray-Calloway County Industrial Park Development Project These funds will be used to help develop a new industrial park, which will help create employment opportunities for the citizens of Murray and Calloway County.
$117,500 for the City of Murray Police Department to upgrade its communications system. “Law enforcement agencies rely upon modern technology for everything from enforcing traffic laws to investigating crimes. Unfortunately, not all local agencies can afford the expensive technologies that will help officers communicate with each other and better respond to emergencies,” Senator McConnell said. “This funding will help the Murray Police Department purchase a Computer Aided Dispatch System to improve its ability to alert officers of emergencies and to improve response times, thereby enhancing the safety of all in Murray.”
$564,000 for the Henderson County Sheriff’s Department for equipment upgrades. “These funds will enable the Henderson County Sheriff’s Department to upgrade the equipment used by its deputies to help provide emergency response services to the citizens of Henderson County,” McConnell said.
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