Thursday, January 24, 2008

Be Specific When Managing Employees

Since many organizations' fiscal year corresponds with the calendar year, I am experiencing an increase in training requests for performing effective employee appraisals, goal setting, as well as employee coaching.

That being said, one the most important factors for organizational leaders to keep in mind, is to be specific.

For example, stating, "Improve" in the areas of _____, _____, & ______, is not enough.

Doing so, is the same as having a recipe that lists ingredients without measurements or instructions.

Don't just hope for increased profits and better communication in your workplace this year.

Contact me today to schedule your free 1-hour consultation.


Johnathan Gay said...


Neat blog. I love the idea of pairing a blog w/ your work. Speaking of the latter, I don't know what kind of bizs you typically consult, but you might want to catch up w/ Pat Powell over at Murray State's ICC. He comes into contact with a lot of upwardly mobile, high growth potential companies and startups.

Thanks for the link, btw. I've returned the favor. Please stay in touch and tell the hub I said hi. Hope to meet you soon.

Donna-Maria Walker, MS said...

Thanks so much, Jonathan! Your blog is such a great resource.

Thanks for all of the work you put into it. I'm so glad Michael sent me a link! It's definitely on my 'favorites' list.